Innovation Center, De Montfort University
Leicester, LE1 9BH, UK
Building 3, City West Business Park
Leeds, LS12 6LX, UK
+44 (0)1162506068



我叫谷雨,来自河北石家庄市。本科毕业于河北医科大学临床医学系,2008n年出国深造,在爱尔兰国立科克大学获得食品营养学硕士学位。随后跟先生一同来到英国利兹,陪伴先生在利兹大学读完食品营养学硕士和博士。其间曾在Milton Keynes做过留学生服务工作。我们共同生养一对儿女。先生在利兹大学博士课程结束之后,进入雷丁大学食品营养系做博士后研究与教学。现在我们全家共同生活在雷丁。



I am Yu Gu from Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Hebei Medical University and Master’s degree in Food Science and Nutrition from the University College Cork, Ireland in 2009. I moved to Leeds with my husband in 2011 for the purpose of accompanying him for his Master’s and PhD study in the University of Leeds. When we lived in Leeds, we had a daughter and a son. I worked in Milton Keynes for a period of time mainly serving Chinese Overseas Student. At the moment, my husband works in the University of Reading as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant and we live in Reading.

I love cooking, especially in baking and cooking Chinese food. The cakes I make are always loved and welcomed by many friends in Leeds and Reading. I am familiar with both UK and Chinese culture and am a very patient person and love children. We normally welcome 1-2 Chinese students live with us during their half terms so we are very experienced as a host family. We hope we can help students who are far away from home.

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