Innovation Center, De Montfort University
Leicester, LE1 9BH, UK
Building 3, City West Business Park
Leeds, LS12 6LX, UK
+44 (0)1162506068

Sheila Liu



我曾经在不同的纺织品时尚品贸易公司任职。目前在做时尚产品的摄影及编辑,我的先生是个数据分析员。我们和两个小女儿住在大伦敦地区。家里养了一只德牧和两只猫,没事的时候喜欢给孩子们做点好吃的, 遛遛狗,种种花。


留学对于年轻人来说是很好的人生体验和自我提升, 但是适应英国的生活需要时间和来自老师,监护人及住家的帮助。 有幸认识了这么多优秀的同学,我一定会尽我所能帮助他们在英国的求学生活圆满顺利。


I am Sheila Liu, came from Zhengzhou, Henan.

After obtaining my Bachelor’s degree of Fashion Design from Shanghai Dong Hua University, I came to the UK and studied in Royal Holloway University of London for Msc International Management.

Since then, I have worked in various textile/fashion trading companies, and currently working as a fashion photographer. My husband is a data analyst. We live in great London area with our two young daughters, a German shepherd dog, and two cats. In our spare time, we like to cook deli food for kids, walking our dog, planting flowers, etc.

Having been hosting numerous students in the recent few years, I deeply feel that as long as we treat students as our own family members, always think their needs, help them whenever they need us, they will become our friends. The stay of students always bring joys to our life. And I am very happy that they all like my cooking.

Studying abroad is precious experience for young people, while get used to a different country takes time and needs guidance. I have been so lucky to know so many excellent young man and ladies, and I will do my best to help them during their study and stay in the UK.

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